Anti-Counterfeiting Statement

As you may be aware, there is significant concern regarding the proliferation of counterfeit goods across all industries. Counterfeit goods (parts, components and whole units) pose significant challenges for legitimate trade and the sustainable development of the global economy. Trade in these goods causes huge financial losses for right holder, legitimate businesses and, in some cases, have the potential to be a safety hazard to users of the product.

As a pioneer of ruggedized computing solutions, our mission is to supply our customers with excellent and reliable products which are applicable for a wide range of fields. As part of that commitment, we would like to take this opportunity to address any concerns regarding counterfeit goods in relation to our products.

To ensure our ability to provide good quality products to our customers, all of our manufacturing sites have implemented both an Approved Vendor System and Qualified Vendor System which help to monitor and control our global supply chain. In addition, all Acme Portable Machines, Inc. vendors are required to ensure that the materials and components they supply do not contain any counterfeit parts and/or components.

We will continue to put for the every effort to ensure that no counterfeit goods enter the Acme Portable Machines, Inc. supply chain. Should you have any questions regarding our commitment please do not hesitate to contact me directly.


Cage Code: 4AA27

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